Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's not HAPPY afterall

After all these years as mobile phone user, I finally started to feel bored and agitated with the call structures of mobile operators. Changing from a Digi user to Celcom and Happy (Subsidiary of Digi)users, I am fed up with all the plans and talk time bonus. Initially , Happy Prepaid was really makes me delighted and nothing much to complain . Yesterday , I saw the advertistment on the newspaper about the changes in call plan.

Talking about previous Happy term is RM0.99 max till 45 minutes before the line is cut after the 45th minutes . It worth every cents I spent. But now Happy has changed its plan and put lots of terms and conditions in it.
Below is the new plan charges:

Happy Hour
(Happy to Happy only, 9am – 5pm) RM0.99/call
Max 45 mins

Happy For All
(All Networks, Nationwide) RM0.99/max 15 min
Thereafter RM0.33/min

Happy News
(All Networks, Nationwide) RM0.33/min
For calls below 3 mins
SMS RM0.10

My comments:
In Happy Hours ,calls between Happy users are :
- limited happy hours (9am to 5 p.m.)(time constrain)
-only apply to Happy to Happy users.

In Happy For All,calls for all networks are:
-Thereafter RM0.33/min is way too expensive if compared to RM0.99 for 45 minutes.
-If you calculate RM0.99/max 15 min and RM0.99/max 45 minutes ,the charge has sky rocket 3 times.

Final verdict:
Throw away if you have Happy prepaid!
Bye Bye Happy !


Anonymous said...

If you suffer with this plan and that plan, i suggest you to use postpaid...i think it will be less 麻烦....

Ryan said...

I am using a postpaid de . But initially this plan is better so I bought it. Very disappointed.